Chillin’ Down Home

All y’all* remember a couple of weeks back when Vicki the Sewing Scientist launched her grand ambitious plan to map the people-who-sew-and-talk-about-it-on-the-internet**? Well, I was pretty happy to pin myself on there, but I was totally not expecting it to yield such awesome fruit! Within a few hours, I discovered I had a fellow sewologist** right in my own back yard—Erin of Trumbelina Sews.



The nice thing about meeting up with people in Saskabush is that, no matter where in town they live, they’re not very far away. It only took us a week or so to coordinate a meetup at a coffee shop that just happens to be one of the hangouts from my high school hipster days. In fact, I bought the Xena Dress at a vintage store (now sadly gone) in the very same building…



So aside from revisiting my misspent youth, I got to spend a few hours chatting it up with Erin. I mean, it was no sprawling New York do (OK, I was looking for a link for one of those but there are too many!) or posh UK meetup, but damn that trip-over-your-own-tongue, old-friend-you-just-met feeling is the best. She brought a stack of patterns for me to peruse, and I brought nothing. which is totally lame-sauce of me. It’s not that I mean to be stingy about my patterns mind you, but the stash is so kind of ungodly huge at this point that I just sort of flail and fumble and preemptively give up. And the fabrics are still mostly in boxes.

Yes, we were actually together!

Yes, we were actually together!

Anyway, it was a totally rocking time, and I am totally stoked about future possibilities—crawls through the Saskatoon Garment District, thrift store pattern hunting, and all the other possibilities of having another victim fellow sewilizer** at hand. Well, other than my sisters-in-law, who of course are their own particular variety of awesome. And the next time the NYC or London sewistas** are going at it, I totally know who I’m gonna call to fend off the green-eyed monster.

And yes, obviously I suck at selfies. Where’s my tripod when I need it?

And yes, it’s still that fucking snowy here. We got another couple of inches today.

*I feel obliged to point out that Canadians don’t actually talk like this; I picked it up during about five minutes I spent in Texas several years ago, because it’s just too damn cute.

**insert your favourite collective noun here: sewintist, stitcher, sewer, sewist, sewcialist…


Filed under Sewing

14 responses to “Chillin’ Down Home

  1. Jodi

    Hi, Tanitisis. I’m getting up the courage to post — I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now. I’m just mostly silent. 🙂 I moved back home to Saskatoon a few months ago and sew quite enthusiastically. I’m on Pattern Review as Jodi B. If you do another meet up some time, I’d love to meet some fellow sewists (sewologist, sewintists, stitchers, sewers, sewcialists). It’s always fun meeting other people who love to sew.

  2. Hooray! There’s many here in the ATL area too, but then there’s that whole it takes forever to get anywhere thing. Leh Sigh

  3. **I prefer Thread Placement Specialist, or, Fabric Wrangler.

    You are always great with the meetups! Isn’t it great to find someone that you can instantly connect with.
    Saw this on the internets this morning. Saskatoon is famour!

  4. How fun to meet up with another sewist! Oddly enough there is noone else in the San Diego area (on the map!)… and today when I checked I found myself in the ocean!!! (I am back where I belong tho!) ~L

  5. Pingback: Another Blogiversary | Tanit-Isis Sews

  6. trumbelinasews

    I’m sorry I haven’t posted about our meetup. Much shit going down this last week. I am going to visit you in person 🙂 today though!!!

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